Public Rights Project envisions a democracy built by the people that delivers equity and justice – where every community has a government fighting for their civil rights.


Our civil rights are increasingly under threat.

More than half of Americans, especially BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people, suffer from violations of their civil and human rights. Government and corporate abuses of power are stripping away our rights – in workplaces, voting booths, doctors' offices, and more.

That’s why Public Rights Project is committed to using government power for good.


Our Issues


We help local government officials be better allies in the fight for civil rights. We help government leaders work together with communities to use their incredible – but often untapped or misused – power to protect and expand civil rights in four key areas. Learn more about what we do.


Press Releases


How We Work

From litigation to training, we help hundreds of government officials provide relief to communities by protecting access to civil rights.

We’ve built a powerful engine for justice with over 300 partners in 41 states across America. And our impact continues to grow with our network—working with more visionary politicians, prosecutors, organizers and advocates across our key issue areas each year. Learn more about who we are.






Our Funders Make Justice Possible